Marcia G. Yerman

Marcia G. Yerman


Marcia G. Yerman, based in New York City, writes profiles, interviews, essays, and articles focusing on women’s issues, human rights, the environment, politics, health, culture and the arts.  Her work has been published by the New York Times, AlterNet, EmpowHER, Moms Clean Air Force, RoleReboot, The Raw Story, Women News Network, RH Reality Check, Women Make News and The Women’s Media Center. She has permanent verticals at The Huffington Post, OpEdNews, and Medium. Her articles are archived at 

Marcia G. Yerman Articles

#MomentofTruth shares real stories, to promote real healing.

#MomentOfTruth: Documenting Hate And Harassment

Americans hoped that when the election was over, there would be a decrease in the rampant uncivil discourse unleashed during the course of the 2016


Jennifer Pozner: Founder Of Women In Media & News

The stated mission of the organization is “to increase women's presence in the public debate, emphasizing those who are least often heard, including women of color, low-income women, lesbians, youth and older women.”

“The access to reproductive rights has gotten worse. Opponents are starting to succeed.” Image: Words Of Choice.

The Reproductive Freedom Festival Is LIVE March 20!

Mark your calendars for The Reproductive Freedom Festival on the evening of March 20. Over three hours of live performances will be streamed from a studio in Manhattan to viewers across the country — and the world. It will be accessible via computers and other digital devices for free. Pre-show highlights begin at 5:15 pm EST. The goal of the event is to foster awareness of and focus attention on the issue of reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, while anchored in Women’s History Month.

The "woman card"

NARAL Pro-Choice Leadership Plays The Gender Card

When Donald Trump opened his mouth and announced that Hillary Clinton was “

Maybe his face is birth control?

What Trump Has In Mind For Birth Control And Your Health

If you're considering an IUD, now is the time to get it.

Ready your DVRs.

The Affair Returns to Showtime

Yes, there’s plenty of sex. However, the show is far more than just thrusting bodies in motion. Specifically, in a scene that included brief full-frontal male nudity, my takeaway from the encounter was not about the man’s genitals or his verbalizations in the throes of passion. Rather, what was meaningfully clear was that the woman’s emotional core was elsewhere. The sexual interlude served to underscore her internal state.

Donald Trump's first 100 days were not great for women's rights. (Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

What 100 Days Of Trump Has Meant For Women

The Trump administration seems determined to turn America back to the days of the 1950s. Unequal pay, gender-rating in insurance plans, less access to birth control, and a roll back of reproductive rights are all on the list. Here's what his first 100 days in office looked like for women's rights.


Wrap It Up! February Is National Condom Month

The condom, when used accurately, has an efficacy rate of 97 percent protection against pregnancy. New textures, aromas, and sizing options have created plenty of choices.

"What do we know about the potential second-in-command?"

Mike Pence: No Friend To Women (And Lots Of Other Folks)

Pence has brought national attention to his state of Indiana because of his extreme views on abortion, as well as his perspective on the civil rights of those in the LGBT community. His goals for “affirming the value of all human life” appear to be selective.

Working to stay in the moment is essential. Who doesn’t replay the past and agonize over what the future may bring? Image: Thinkstock.

Killing The Perfectionist Within: A Guide To Establishing Realistic Expectations Of Yourself

The premise Newman puts forth is that being a perfectionist emanates from a core belief that either one is “not good enough… or that one is ‘unworthy.’” This can develop as a result of “parental criticism or parental indulgence (the latter being constant praise).”
