Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

The Senate isn't interested in taking care of people, but teenagers are doing a darn good job taking care of themselves.

Teens Take Care Of Their Health Better Than Senate Republicans Take Care Of Anyone

Does the Senate health care bill suck? Yes. But because I hate to wallow in bad news, here’s something in the world of health and bodies that is a positive development: teens are more apt to use contraception now than in the past.


Film Isn't The Only Industry At Cannes — Just Ask The Sex Workers

One escort interviewed said she was changing $620 PER HOUR for the “girlfriend experience,” which includes taking her to films and walking the red carpet at events. She has a strict 4- and 5-star hotel policy. No yacht parties though, for safety reasons.

Overviews of research have found that cohorts often contain an inadequate number of women and that researchers fail to break down findings by sex.

Where Are All The Women In HIV/AIDS Research?

While women comprise half of the HIV-positive population in the United States, they are less than 20% of the subject in anti-retroviral drug studies.

What, you don't use your mop as a mic?

Ask A Feminist: Can I Be A Feminist If I'm A SAHM?

As a political philosophy, feminism proposes that women are entitled to all the same rights as men under the law. There was a time when this was a radical notion and it required a whole lot of hard work to make certain crucial elements of that possible. Such as a the right of women to vote. Or to own property. Or to obtain divorce. Or sign contracts. Or use birth control.


The Duggars Are Returning To TV

The ultra-conservative, ultra-religious, Duggars are coming back to TV this week with spin-off series Jill and Jessa: Counting On.


IUDs Are The Best, Study Shows

With fewer people facing unintended pregnancies, the net abortion numbers are down.


Here Are Some Manatees Getting It On. You're Welcome.

The manatees were engaged in a little mutual oral pleasure — or, as the kids call it, 69. Way to go, manatees!

You have lots of say in your local school district. (Image Credit: Unsplash/JJ Thompson)

#RavsRadar: With Trump, Local Involvement In Schools Is Crucial

Earlier this week, the Trump administration decided that the most pressing issue on their plates is where school children pee.

Hurricane Harvey is a catastrophic situation. Houston needs our help.

Houston Needs Your Help - Here's How You Can Give It

If you answered can, please go to Houston. People need your help. Hurricane Harvey is a catastrophic situation.

Image: Stand Tall For Dwarfism/Instagram.

Good Feel Of The Day: How The Love Of A Dog Helps This Boy With Dwarfism

Mr. Rogers famously told us all to look for the helpers in times of great stress. Well, this is a time of great stress and I found a helper — specifically, a little dog in Australia who is helping this boy.
