Destroyed, pointless sweatshirt.
You might think that being on a budget means you can’t afford to dress like a super rich, fashion-forward celebrity, but girlfriend, you are wrong about that! Want proof? Here are 5 trendy designer items that can easily be replicated at home for pennies on the dollar! All you need is a little DIY ingenuity, some elbow grease, mud, stew meat, and access to a large collection of old wigs. Anyway, enough chatting. Let’s get DIYing!
1. Gucci Slip-On Loafers
Retail Price: $1,800.00 (yes, really)
How To Make Them Yourself: Call your grandma and ask if you can come over for lunch. When you get to her house, briefly say hi to her and then run to her bedroom and ransack her bureau until you find her stash of blonde Raquel Welch wigs from the 80s. Put wigs on feet. Leave.
Final DIY Price: An earnest apology to your grandma.
2. DSquared Mud Print Crop Jeans
Retail Price: $755.00 (sold out)
How To Make Them Yourself: Put on a pair of clean jeans. Jump in mud puddle.
Final DIY Price: Free! (excluding cost of Tide to wash them)
3. Anya Hindmarch Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Clutch
Retail Price: $1,595.00 (currently on sale for $638!)
How To Make It Yourself: Buy a pack of gum. Over the course of a week or two, chew a stick of gum after every meal until package is empty. Cram your credit card, driver’s license, lipstick, cell phone, and tampons into gum package. Throw away your old purse.
Final DIY Price: $1.29
4. Givenchy Destroyed Cotton Sweatshirt
Retail Price: $1,250.00 (I genuinely don’t know how to process the fact that this exists)
How To Make It Yourself: Rub a hunk of clearance stew meat all over old sweatshirt. Really let the meat juices marinate in the fabric. Next: go to the zoo, and throw the meat-rubbed sweatshirt into tiger enclosure. Retrieve stained, shredded, partially-eaten sweatshirt in two hours and wear proudly!
Final DIY Price: Zoo admission + going price of clearance stew meat.
5. Julien David Large Safety Pin Earring
Retail Price: $335 (for one earring, not two)
How To Make It Yourself: Rifle through the junk drawer in your kitchen until you find a safety pin. Stick safety pin in ear.
Final DIY Price: Free! Plus maybe an office visit co-pay for a tetanus shot.