Noah Berlatsky

Noah Berlatsky


Noah Berlatsky is a contributing writer for The Atlantic. He edits the online comics-and-culture website The Hooded Utilitarian and is the author of the forthcoming book Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948.

Noah Berlatsky Articles


The Strange Intersection Of Anti-Semitism And Anti-Blackness Racism

If you want America to relearn how to hate white Jews, the quickest way to do that is to associate them with black people.

Credit: ThinkStock

There's No Glamor In Writing: I'm Not A Blogger—I'm A Slogger

Writing can be hard and uncomfortable and precarious—but it's hard and uncomfortable and precarious in the way that any job can be.


From Etta To Brandy: 12 Undervalued Black Women Of Rock 

Genre boundaries are conscious of race—and, in the case of rock, conscious of gender too.


Why Progressives Need Conservatism To Save The Church

Conservative fetishization of the past is myopic, simplistic, and mean-spirited—but progressives can be too quick to cede tradition.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The Real Problem With Starbucks' Race Together Program? Classism 

Talking about race can get you into a lot of trouble . . . especially if you don't have a lot of class power or status.


The Many Many Problems With The New Sex Work Show 8 Minutes

Under the guise of philanthropy, 8 Minutes essentially blackmails some of the most marginalized and powerless people in society.

The illustrious and utterly rockin' Carlene Carter.

Move It On Over: 12 Women Who Made Rockabilly History

There's a good argument to be made that the earliest, and the best, rockabilly performers were women. Slicked-back, hiccuping, hopped up cool.

Credit: Thinkstock

The Problem With Happily Ever After In Romance Fiction 

Some love stories don't end happily. So why do so many romance novels insist they do?


Why The New Jude Law Film Black Sea Has A Masculinity Problem

It's hard to deny the appeal of the masculine ideal, especially when embodied in Jude Law. And yet, it's also a depressing vision.
