Sex + Love

This is hardly bad news for love. And love is definitely not something to give up on. Image: WeHeartIt.

3 Ways Millennials Have Made Marriage BETTER (Yes, Really)

Today, a new generation is both suffering and benefiting from the trend towards later marriage. Suffering because it's difficult to be alone, but benefiting by avoiding the painful experience of marital failure and divorce. It's difficult to go from relationship to relationship and never feel like you're going to truly fall in love. But marrying later in life means that we have more time to discover ourselves through the self-knowledge that comes with each passing year.

Choose to be spontaneous.

6 Daily Choices That Will Improve Your Relationship

Don’t want your relationship to stagnate? Then make spontaneity a priority. The scope of your spontaneous activities doesn’t matter as much as the frequency.

Love that travels.

Forget The Fairy Tale: The Truth About Falling In Love With A Foreigner

Our culture is so preoccupied with The Other, and the obsession with falling in love with a foreigner is just another manifestation of that. But I quickly found out that falling in love with someone from another country is not all fun and glory.

We are both acutely aware that despite how deep our current bond is, there may come a day to move on for purposes of our respective personal growth.

Why Are You Still Together?

My Life Partner and I are both divorced and know firsthand what a “relationship failure” looks and feels like. And, we both chose to end our respective previous marriages for that very reason. After being together for over three years our emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy continues to grow tremendously. This has resulted in a sense of continuing fulfillment beyond anything either of us have previously experienced. Yet, we are not likely to ever get married or say those tear-inducing vows.

Demisexuality isn't what you might think.

Demisexuality: The Common Sexual Orientation You Might Have But Not Know About

It’s frustrating that most identities on the asexuality spectrum are qualified by a “lack” of something — desire, intimacy, attraction. I wonder, what might happen for demisexual (or asexual) people if we turn our focus toward what relationships contain, rather than what they’re missing.

But I couldn’t help myself — I was smitten.

3 Things I Learned From My Infidelities

I never thought that I would be the sort of girl who would take part in infidelity, but I have cheated six times. Before the first time, I told myself that if I got to the point where I wanted to step out on my partner, I would end the relationship before I crossed the line. I told myself that the emotional damage that I would inflict on my partner would far surpass any thrill. I told myself I would feel immeasurable guilt.

My parents didn't accept the divorce until the decree was in my hand; and even then their acceptance is given only with the understanding that my marriage was a failure that could have been avoided. Image: WeHeartIt

My Parents Forced Me To Stay Married To My Horribly Abusive Husband

As I said my goodbyes to my parents, I pleaded with them to help me leave him. "Please, you've seen what is going on," I said to them. "You've seen him. I can't live like this anymore. I can't do this any longer. Please help me." My mother gave me a hug, kissed my kids, and wished me well in working things out. "Just try a little harder. It takes effort to learn how to be a good wife and you've always been a little difficult," she said before closing my car door.

I snapped.

6 Things I Learned From Heartbreak And Financial Ruin

The building pressure of trying to find security and a future on my own, compounded with my heartbreak, caused me to snap.
