body positivity

I don’t want to fight to be seen as beautiful. I want to fight for beauty to come last on the list of things that I am. Image: Joni Edelman.

Body Positivity: Are We Fighting For Equality, Or Just Equal Beauty?

I want to be seen, too. But now that I’ve settled into my fat body, now that I don’t waste my insomnia on worrying about my husband leaving me for a skinny blonde (as I’ve been warned), now that getting dressed isn’t an existential crisis, now that I shop online and just avoid the back of the store relegation, beauty has lost its magic.

I found that de-centering my breasts from my daily routine changed me. And it kind of changed the way I do gender. Image: Virgie Tovar.

Take The Cake: Cleavage vs. Fatphobia

I saw my boobs as a way to get me into the secret world of feminine desirability, so I played them like they were my winning hand. I created an entire story about my sexuality that centered my breasts because they felt like the only normal — or maybe extraordinary — thing about my body. I think I hoped that I could use them to get some precious ween (obvi), but also to get MORE.

This diet is for those who need a chewing and digestion intervention — we’ve all been there.

Nigiri For Your No-No Hole & Other Highly Effective Diets

[CN: diets, not eating (both satirical)] So, you’ve tried every diet out there. You are fed up — and often barely fed at all. The South Beach Diet, The North Pole Diet, The Atkins Diet, The Fatkins Diet, Weight Watchers, Weight Ignorers… The list is as long as your droopy face.

I didn’t understand what was happening. Image: Thinkstock.

I Took My Clothes Off And She Rejected Me

[CN: alcohol] Once we were in her apartment she grabbed me by the necktie, kissed me softly on the lips, told me to take my clothes off, and walked into her bedroom. Her clothing dropped to the ground piece by piece from where I stood to the bedroom — like some sort of Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb situation (if it were less creepy and filmed for Cinemax).

Happiness comes in every size! Image: Thinkstock.

9 Months Of Fattitude: The Making Of A Body-Positive Badass

I didn’t think that my disordered, fatphobic mindset could be rewired — until, one day, I realized that that very thing had happened. Somehow the new ideas had broken through!
There is still work to be done, but by re-educating myself, making a priceless network of body-positive friends, and upgrading my media influence, I am on the right path.

When you’re helping people zip up dresses and watching their reactions to certain items of clothing, you start noticing patterns. Image: Thinkstock.

4 Things Women Say In The Dressing Room (And What I Wish I Could Say Back)

When you’re helping people zip up dresses and watching their reactions to certain items of clothing, you start noticing patterns. Here are four of the phrases I hear most often in the dressing room, and how I wish — oh, how I wish! — I could respond.

I immediately took to FB, calling out to my tribe, “Who wants to see my ass?” Image: Joni Edelman.

The Power Of MomSnap: AKA Why I Send My Friends Snapchat N00ds

We are still sharing our days in all the ways we usually share days — talking about kids, bills, dinner, stress. And now we are sharing the times we are most vulnerable, the times we need to hear something good about ourselves.

The dirty truth about how detrimental those post-baby-body stories are to women hit me one week after my son’s birth. Image: Thinkstock.

Why I'm Swearing Off “Post-Baby Body” Stories

In my work as an entertainment writer, some of the easiest stories are the post-baby body reveals. You know the type: “Within three days of delivery, Celebrity Person shed any trace her womb housing a growing baby for the past 10 months! Look at those abs!”
