body positivity

Confidence isn't the result of a certain body, but of self-love. Image: Kristin Vogt/Pexels.

My Boob Job Wasn't A Mistake

As a kid, I prayed for big boobs. Shallow, I know. But such prayers were never answered. I hardly filled an A cup.

Before this trip, when I thought “Vienna,” I didn't think “plus-size paradise.” But holy shit. Image: Virgie Tovar.

Take The Cake: Fat Babes In Vienna

My favorite thing about this trip was that I spent my time in Vienna with fat feminists by my side every single day.... Occasionally, our bellies bumped into one another and then rebounded for just a second, like balloons. The familiar physics of fatness multiplied by two or three. I felt like we spoke in shorthand, the language of shared experience.

The most beautiful thing you can be is happy. Image: Thinkstock.

Beauty Is Only Skin-Deep

Recently, I was looking through some old pictures of myself.... Like every other person on this earth, I have my insecurities. As I was looking at these photos, I found myself picking out my faults, finding things that I would like to change, putting myself down for looking a certain way or not looking a certain way.

My first pregnancy occurred long before the body-positive Mombod craze.

How I Learned To Love My Mombod

Ten days after my first due date came and went, I looked in the mirror, screamed, and basically died. Overnight, my stomach and hips had become covered in cherry-pink stretch marks, veining out as if my entire torso had fractured.

When men and boys watch the sports media fat-shame professional athletes, how must that make them feel about their own bodies? Image: Keith Allison

Fat Shaming Has No Place On The Baseball Field recently published an incredibly offensive hit-piece mocking Sandoval and making fat jokes, complete with accompanying photos that showed Sandoval’s stomach hanging over the top of his pants as he threw a baseball. It was lazy and offensive at best, but dangerous at worst.

16-year-old, 500-pound me. Image: supplied.

5 Things I Wish I Could Tell My 500-Pound Past Self

One of the most dangerous aspects of positive change is our tendency to demonize the people we’ve been. I don’t know a single person who hasn’t lain awake in bed, plagued with the thoughts of a cringe-worthy move they made in their younger years, or some kind of toxic behavior they exhibited before they knew better.

I will make it my mission to teach him that the traits which make us unique are so much more worth celebrating than the ones that fit a mold. Image: Emily Glover.

It's Still My Job To Teach My Child About Body Positivity — Even If He's A Boy

My goal isn’t just to raise a son who can avoid the trappings of eating disorders. It’s to help him actively embrace who he is, on all levels.

When my body didn’t fit socially-approved styles, cuts, and sizes, the obvious solution was to change my body rather than find clothes that complemented my physique.

Having Two Breast Reductions Didn't Make Me Happier

My relationship with body is anything but “typical.” So far, I’ve hated my body at every size — and not just because of my size.
