
When we conclude that “toxic masculinity” and “masculinity” are synonyms, we remove the ability for men to have a clear identity.

Creating A Non-Toxic Masculinity

We continue to see the damaging effects of toxic masculinity. What does non-toxic masculinity look like?

It is not a woman’s job to carry the weight of the male ego.

Are Men Seriously Still That Threatened By Smart Women? (Yes?)

Men will say they want a smart woman, of course, but the moment they are faced with one; the moment a woman challenges him, or god forbid, proves him wrong, she becomes “hard to deal with,” “too intense” or “crazy.”


Fighting Domestic Violence: Men Must Step Up

On September 30 of this year, President Obama issued a

What's a poor guy to do in this mean, Feminist world? (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Dear Entitled Dudes, Here's How To Get A Lady

You guys have a lot of trouble dating these days, now that women have this silly notion in their marble-sized brains that they should maybe want to be treated like equals to you. HOW RIDICULOUS. EW! Luckily, you can work around these ideals. Women aren’t really smart enough to comprehend them anyway, you know?


Dear Men, This Is What You Need To Know About Feminism 

Dear anti-feminist men, 

I’m writing to you because I want to have a discussion.

"When I told my husband that his relative comfort on a city street is evidence of his male privilege, the look on his face implied that this was news to him." Image: Thinkstock

Explaining To A Man What It's Like To Be A Woman And Afraid

My now-husband was stunned the first time I told him what I do while walking alone. I mentioned behavior typical of so many city-dwelling women: carrying pepper spray, checking my back every block, trying to look confident while struggling to properly breathe. After a moment of silence, he teared up and said, “I don’t want you to have to worry.”

Is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys? Image: Thinkstock.

We Have To Change The Kind Of Masculinity We Teach Our Sons

I guess we are all guilty of gender-typing to some degree. It’s ingrained deep in our subconscious and culture. Everywhere we go: shopping malls, in the media, play groups, schools, public bathrooms — and the list goes on. But is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys?

A look at what your magazines would say if Bill Clinton received the Michelle Obama treatment.

10 Remixed Misogynist Headlines For First Gentleman Bill Clinton

A look at what your magazines would say if Bill Clinton received the Michelle Obama treatment.
